Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 Year

Wow. I can't believe it has been a year already. Boy has the time flown by. Abi is doing great. She had her 12 month check up. She weighed 19 lbs 14 oz and was 28 1/2 inches long. Both in the 25Th percentile. So at least she is growing proportionally. I can't believe all the new things she learns each day. She knows "no" she tries me but she knows what it means. She says mama and dada, ba(bye), claps when you say "yeah", waves bye, gives high fives, and loves to clap along to bingo. She loves to be sung to. She loves itsy bitsy spider, bingo, rock a bye, and many more I had forgotten since I was a child. She isn't walking yet, but I think in the next month or so she will be off and running, just in time to go to Bear Lake. She is going to be so fun this summer. More of a handful, but a lot of fun. We had her a birthday party on her birthday at my parents house. Too bad it was raining (what else is new these days) or we could have had it at the park. It was still a lot of fun. Abi got lots of clothes, which were much needed, now if it would just warm up enough to wear them and lots of fun learning and growing toys. Ethan and I got her a miniature little slide swing combo thing that she has enjoyed playing on inside Grandmas house because its too cold to go outside. Had grandparents, great grandparents, and some cousins and aunt over for cake and ice cream. We gave Abi her own cupcake to eat. We stripped her down to just a diaper and let her have at it. She was a little timid at first, but after awhile she was a total mess. It was a good birthday. Sad that my baby is growing up, but I look forward to all her achievements over the years. I love you Abi.

Abi's birthday cake

Abi eating her birthday cupcake

Abi opening one of her gifts

I had a great mothers day. Ethan, Abi and I went to a park and had a picinic lunch. Abi kinda played around on the playground, hard to do when you can't walk and want to eat the bark. After that we went to my moms house for dinner. My aunt Angie was up from Tucson, so her and my grandma joined us. It was good to see her. It had been just about a year. It is so fun being a mom. I love it!!

Abi playing at the playground

So not much else has been going on. Just stress. We sold our house!! Yeah. But all the stress of moving out, living in our dumpy basement apartment, and trying to get everything settled to build our new house. Wow this month has been stressful. I hope it is all worth it when it is all done. Nothing much new. Looking forward to Bear Lake this summer, the Relay for Life in July, and our house being built. Hopefully this summer will go fast, it usually does, but when I need it to it won't. Oh well, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right. I hope so.